The SCA Introduction to Coffee course series includes 5 subjects on Coffee Making Skills according to the standards of the International Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) from Green Coffee Beans, Coffee Tasting, Brewing, and Barista. This is an ideal course for coffee lovers who want to learn more about this wonderful beverage, or for those who are working in a segment of the coffee industry and want to have an overview of the entire coffee supply chain.

3 hours for each topic, once a month

Class Content
Topic 1: Green coffee

Topic 2: Sensory
Coffee species and varieties
Different processing methods
Cupping Arabica & Robusta
Cupping different processing method coffees
Students experience cupping 8 different coffees.
Taste, Flavor and Body in coffee
Practice tasting basic tastes and body
Practice smelling aromas using Le Nez du Kit
Cupping Arabica & Robusta
Descriptive cupping different flavours in coffee
Students experience cupping 8 different coffees.

Topic 3: Roasting
Parts in a roaster
Physical changes during roasting
Affect of roast degree on aroma and taste
Ideal storage condition
Cleaning and maintenance
Experience roasting coffee
Cupping coffee with different roast degrees

Topic 4: Brewing
Storage roasted coffee
Brewing methods and Brewing equipment
“Extraction” and “Strength”
Introduction to Seven Essentials Elements of Brewing
Practice brewing Pour-over (Bottomless), Immersion (Frenchpress) and Aeropress

Topic 5: Barista
Introduction to Grinders and how to use
Introduction to Espresso machine and how to use
Espresso routine steps
Practice tasting Espresso: under-extracted, balanced, over-extracted
Experience steaming milk

Tuition fees
- Each topic: 17.25 USD/topic
- Entire Course Series: 78 USD/5 topics
SCA Introduction to Coffee Certificate: 200 USD (taking exams after studying 5 topics)
*All fees above do not include VAT
HQJ Coffee School - 738 Su Van Hanh, Ward 12, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam